Entrepreneur and founder of one of Israel's leading law firms, and author of the visionary and yet very pragmatic book Opportunism: How to Change the World--One Idea at a Time, Shraga F. Biran describes how social and intellectual capital trump the traditional measures of capital. Entrepreneurship and opportunity are the new wealth. As a result of the rise of global technology, and the instant sharing of information, the need to protect intellectual capital takes on new importance. Shraga Biran points out the importance of government and society protecting the creators of this new idea based wealth. He describes the need to extend to all individuals the rights and stability necessary to own whatever opportunities they create as their private property. As a result, Shraga Briran proposes a new social and legal framework to make opportunity a tangible, valuable, and positive asset. The new framework will transform the idea from just a means to create wealth, but into a form of wealth itself.
Shraga F. Biran is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Tuesday, March 29, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Entrepreneur and founder of one of Israel's leading law firms, and author of the visionary and yet very pragmatic book Opportunism: How to Change the World--One Idea at a Time, Shraga F. Biran describes how social and intellectual capital trump the traditional measures of capital. Entrepreneurship and opportunity are the new wealth. You will learn:
* What opportunism really means in today's economy
* Why social and intellectual capital are the new wealth
* How opportunism can transform society to a more democratic economic model
* How to protect intellectual property as real wealth itself

Shraga Biran (photo left) is the founder of one of Israel’s leading law firms and an entrepreneur specializing in energy and international real estate.
He lives in Tel Aviv.
He is the author of Opportunism: How to Change the World--One Idea at a Time.
My book review of Opportunism: How to Change the World--One Idea at a Time by Shraga F. Biran.
Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with entrepreneur and founder of one of Israel's leading law firms, and author of the visionary and yet very pragmatic book Opportunism: How to Change the World--One Idea at a Time, Shraga F. Biran as he describes how social and intellectual capital trump the traditional measures of capital. Entrepreneurship and opportunity are the new wealth. As a result of the rise of global technology, and the instant sharing of information, the need to protect intellectual capital takes on new importance. Shraga Biran points out the importance of government and society protecting the creators of this new idea based wealth. He describes the need to extend to all individuals the rights and stability necessary to own whatever opportunities they create as their private property. As a result, Shraga Briran proposes a new social and legal framework to make opportunity a tangible, valuable, and positive asset. The new framework will transform the idea from just a means to create wealth, but into a form of wealth itself on Blog Business Success Radio.
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